Funny Cats Pooping Toilet Funny Cat Booby Trap

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When you love your cat, it can be hard to discipline him. Even when he is being bad, he can be so cute and cuddly that you don't want to yell at him or tell him he is doing wrong. There may be other times when your cat can drive you crazy, but any attempt at disciplining him falls flat. You may even ask yourself, "do I own my cat, or does my cat own me?" You can teach your cat how to behave with better manners if you learn the right methods.

  1. 1

    Recognize the complications. Cats can be easy or difficult to train. Dogs are more eager to please their owners, which makes them generally easier to train than cats. However, cats can be trained as long as you understand how cats think and interact with their humans. Training a cat takes a lot of patience, especially since it is so hard to motivate him.[1]

  2. 2

    Find your cat's motivator. Every cat has something that will make him learn to listen to you. This key to training is called your cat's motivator. This generally means the tastiest treat that he absolutely loves and goes crazy over. For some cats, this can be flakes of tuna while for others, a tiny taste of cooked chicken will do the trick.

    • Whichever treat you use, have it on hand and ready to reward the moment your cat obeys your command.
    • Never strike a cat if he doesn't do what you want him to do. He will end up resenting you for it and refuse to listen to you.[2] [3] [4]


  3. 3

    Love your cat. The first step to disciplining your cat is first to make him listen to you. This won't happen unless you develop a warm, loving relationship with your cat. This cannot be stressed enough. It's important to set up a good rapport with your cat from the beginning of your relationship. This will ensure that he respects you, will want to please you, and will listen to your commands.

    • If you are just acquiring a cat, give him lots of attention. Spend time cuddling with him if he responds to that. If not, try to talk to him and pet him as much as you can, and give him treats once in a while. This may take a few days to a few weeks, depending on how long he takes to warm up to you and his new environment.
  4. 4

    Take your time with a kitten. Although it's important to discipline your cat as soon as any bad behavior starts, take the time to consider who you're dealing with. There are some cat specific factors that may affect how your pet reacts to your attempts at discipline. If you have a kitten, you should expect him to be very rambunctious, curious, and inexperienced. It may take longer for a kitten to learn right and wrong, so be patient as he figures it out.

    • On the other hand, having a kitten can be a benefit. If you're the only owner the kitty has ever had, then you can exert more influence over his actions.[5]
  5. 5

    Deal with older cats. If you are just getting a new cat who is older, if you adopt an older cat, or if the cat you have had for a while and need to discipline is older, remember that an older cat may be set in his ways. He may be used to a certain form of discipline and you'll have to work harder to show the cat what is wrong and right.

    • However, older cats can be more mellow, understanding, and may not be as eager to misbehave.[6]
  6. 6

    Consider your pet's prior experience. Before you discipline your cat, think about what kind of life your cat had before you got him. If your cat or kitten is coming from a breeder and is used to good treatment, being groomed, and being well-fed, then your cat should not act out from past trauma. If the cat was taken out of an abusive home or spent a long time in the pound, you may have to work a bit harder with your cat.

    • Remember that adopted or abused cats may be scared and suspicious of new environments and you, depending on his past experiences with other owners.[7]
  7. 7

    Pay attention to your cat's personality. The personalities of cats can be just as diverse and complicated as the personalities of their owners. Ask yourself a few questions to understand your cat's personality. What kind of a cat do you have? Would you describe him as squirrelly, eager-to-please, lazy, or loving? Your cat's unique personality can help you decide how to react in certain circumstances.

    • Easily scared or frightened cats will take a more delicate touch when disciplining. You will need to first work on gaining his trust before attempting discipline.
    • An aggressive cat will need to be evaluated by an animal behaviorist so you don't get hurt when attempting to discipline the cat.
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  1. 1

    Provide outlets for his needs. To keep a cat from getting into trouble, provide your cat with means and ways to express his natural cat behavior. Cats love to run, bite, scratch, and explore by nature, so it's important to give your cat friendly options to play with so he has an outlet for his needs. This can also prevent many disciplinary issues that will arise because he will be more content overall.[8] There are many ways you can help your cat express his inner feline needs.

    • Provide a scratching post for your cat. Make sure to have one or multiple scratching posts around the house so your cat can scratch those. This will prevent him from scratching your furniture, the walls, or other objects he shouldn't.
    • Have toys for your cat to chew and bite. Chew toys, little balls, and stuffed mice can help your cat use his inner instincts without biting or harming you in the process. This can also deter him from eating other objects that you don't want him to chew on.
    • Create a kitty space or playground in your house that he can use all day long. Cats love to jump, climb, and explore, so get a cat jungle gym or establish a corner of your house that is cat friendly so he can run around without ruining your property.
  2. 2

    Reward good behavior. It's important to let your cat know when he does something good. This will help him learn that this behavior should be repeated. Good behaviors can range from using the litter box properly, eating and drinking his food appropriately, using his scratching post instead of the furniture, and playing with his toys instead of your belongings. It's also important to be consistent. Reward your kitty for positive behavior as often as you can so he knows he's on the right track. Treats are common ways to reward your cat.[9] Don't overdo it, however, because it can cause your cat to gain weight.

    • You can also reward your cat by giving him attention. Speaking to your cat in a soothing voice, petting him, or letting him cuddle with you can help let him know that you appreciate what he's doing.
  3. 3

    Play with your cat. A way to help your cat act appropriately and also as a way to reward him is to play with him. When both of you are around the house, bring out an interactive cat toy that he needs you to play with. For example, many cats love dangling toys, such as sticks with feathers or shiny objects at the bottom. Take some time to play with the dangling toy whenever you can. Your cat will get some great exercise and will feel loved.

    • An option for the lazier owner is the laser pointer. Some cats go absolutely crazy for the laser pointer and you can move it all over one room from the comforts of your own couch. Some people protest that the laser pointer is cruel because the cat never gets to catch the red dot, while others would argue that it's more about the chase.
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  1. 1

    Redirect and reinforce good behavior. There are times when your cat will behave in a way that needs disciplining. When this happens, try to refocus their attention on something that they're allowed to do instead. Once they turn their attention to that, praise them for their good behavior.[10]

    • If your cat jumps on the counter, for example, redirect his attention to a toy on the ground. Once he jumps down and starts playing, give him extra attention and love to show that he did the right thing.
  2. 2

    Remove your cat from the situation. There are two ways that you can remove your cat from a situation where he is misbehaving. You can isolate your kitty.[11] If your cat is prone to eating your dinner, for example, you can exile him to your bedroom during dinner time. Though his meowing by the door may break your heart, it'll teach him not to repeat his mistakes.

    • You can also remove him from the room after grabbing scruff of his neck. If your cat is being feisty with you and biting or scratching, you can grab him by the scruff of the neck and say "no." If he keeps being bad, pick him up and take him to a different room, still saying no.
    • Never pick a cat up by the scruff. It may hurt your cat and he may be able to hurt you by scratching you. Be aware that cat bites can quickly turn into a dangerous infection.[12]
    • Putting your cat in a separate room gives him the chance to cool off.[13]
    • An herbal plugin can also help your cat calm down.[14]
  3. 3

    Set booby-traps. You can set traps for your cat to prevent him from indulging in bad behavior. For example, if your cat is prone to attacking your toilet paper roll, place an empty water bottle on top of the roll, so it will fall if he tries to play with the roll. If your cat is prone to jumping on the kitchen table, set up double-sided tape or tinfoil over the surface, so he associates it with an unpleasant sensation. These physical barriers may give him the discipline he needs.[15]

    • Avoid setting traps that may scare or harm your cat. Things like scat mats can really scare your cat. You want them to be disciplined, not afraid.[16]
  4. 4

    Be consistent. No matter what punishment you give your cat, it's important to discipline your cat consistently so that he knows you're serious about his bad behavior.[17] Each time the cat does something that is not acceptable, quickly react so he associates the bad behavior with the punishment. If you leave the punishment for later, he won't know why he is getting punished and may become afraid of you.

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  • Question

    Howe can I make my cat feel loved?

    Pippa Elliott, MRCVS

    Dr. Elliott, BVMS, MRCVS is a veterinarian with over 30 years of experience in veterinary surgery and companion animal practice. She graduated from the University of Glasgow in 1987 with a degree in veterinary medicine and surgery. She has worked at the same animal clinic in her hometown for over 20 years.

    Pippa Elliott, MRCVS


    Expert Answer

    In addition to cuddling and petting, showing you love your cat also means meeting all their basic feline needs. As well as food and shelter, this includes playtime, the ability to climb, an opportunity to exercise their claws (scratch!) and hunt (even if it's toys). Meeting these needs leads to better behavior.

  • Question

    What should I do when my cat poops on my bed after I'm gone for more than a full day?

    Pippa Elliott, MRCVS

    Dr. Elliott, BVMS, MRCVS is a veterinarian with over 30 years of experience in veterinary surgery and companion animal practice. She graduated from the University of Glasgow in 1987 with a degree in veterinary medicine and surgery. She has worked at the same animal clinic in her hometown for over 20 years.

    Pippa Elliott, MRCVS


    Expert Answer

    Cats often poop on items or places that smell strongly of something they link to security. In this case, she may be pooping on your bed because it helps her feel close to you and reassured when you are away. To resolve the problem, make sure she has a clean litter tray at all times, and put something that smells of you (a T-shirt or jumper) on her favorite sleeping spot. Also try using a feline pheromone diffuser which sends out reassuring signals. Do not punish her, as this only increases feelings of insecurity.

  • Question

    I have four cats that are marking all over my house. What can I do?

    Pippa Elliott, MRCVS

    Dr. Elliott, BVMS, MRCVS is a veterinarian with over 30 years of experience in veterinary surgery and companion animal practice. She graduated from the University of Glasgow in 1987 with a degree in veterinary medicine and surgery. She has worked at the same animal clinic in her hometown for over 20 years.

    Pippa Elliott, MRCVS


    Expert Answer

    This requires considerable dedication and patience. Provide 5 litter trays (one for each cat plus one spare) in different locations around the house. Thoroughly deodorize all areas where the cats have already marked, as the scent will draw them back. Put food bowls on the areas where they toilet most often, as the cat is less likely to soil near food. Never punish a cat, as this increases their anxiety and the need to spray to establish her territory. Consider using Feliway to make the cats more tolerant of each other. Give each cat individual attention and play at some point during the day. Try and give the cats access to the outdoors.

  • Question

    What happens if you hit a cat that has a great relationship with you?

    Pippa Elliott, MRCVS

    Dr. Elliott, BVMS, MRCVS is a veterinarian with over 30 years of experience in veterinary surgery and companion animal practice. She graduated from the University of Glasgow in 1987 with a degree in veterinary medicine and surgery. She has worked at the same animal clinic in her hometown for over 20 years.

    Pippa Elliott, MRCVS


    Expert Answer

    Unfortunately, the cat may become fearful of you and avoid you. Cats rarely link punishment to the crime and are more likely to think you are unsafe to be around. However, if it was just a one-off, try and make it up to her with treats and a fuss, and she may well forgive you.

  • Question

    How do I discipline my adult cat that meows loudly every night at 3 am?

    Pippa Elliott, MRCVS

    Dr. Elliott, BVMS, MRCVS is a veterinarian with over 30 years of experience in veterinary surgery and companion animal practice. She graduated from the University of Glasgow in 1987 with a degree in veterinary medicine and surgery. She has worked at the same animal clinic in her hometown for over 20 years.

    Pippa Elliott, MRCVS


    Expert Answer

    If this is a new habit, get the cat checked by a vet. There are several medical conditions that cause night-time disturbance. If the cat is well, then be sure not to respond to the meowing, because this rewards the behavior and it will persist. Instead, play with the cat an hour before bedtime, and then give her a meal. Settle her down in a comfy bed (perhaps with a heat pad) in a peaceful room. If she wakes, ignore her. It might be necessary to turn a deaf ear for several nights, but she will eventually get the message and stop crying.

  • Question

    How can I stop my kitten from attacking my adult cat?

    Pippa Elliott, MRCVS

    Dr. Elliott, BVMS, MRCVS is a veterinarian with over 30 years of experience in veterinary surgery and companion animal practice. She graduated from the University of Glasgow in 1987 with a degree in veterinary medicine and surgery. She has worked at the same animal clinic in her hometown for over 20 years.

    Pippa Elliott, MRCVS


    Expert Answer

    The kitten probably views the adult as a play mate, and she therefore is stimulated to attack when the cat walks past. One option is to let the adult cat "discipline" the younger one by hissing, spitting, and swatting at the youngster. Most adults make an impressive noise (designed to deter the kitten) without actually causing damage. Alternatively, completely separate the cat and kitten, and slowly introduce them using scent swapping and staged meetings where the youngest cannot chase the adult.

  • Question

    My cat is stalking, hissing, and swatting at a new dog in the house. What can I do?

    Pippa Elliott, MRCVS

    Dr. Elliott, BVMS, MRCVS is a veterinarian with over 30 years of experience in veterinary surgery and companion animal practice. She graduated from the University of Glasgow in 1987 with a degree in veterinary medicine and surgery. She has worked at the same animal clinic in her hometown for over 20 years.

    Pippa Elliott, MRCVS


    Expert Answer

    If the cat is stalking the dog, rather than running away, this shows self-confidence on the cat's part. If the dog is a puppy (and therefore amenable to being trained by the cat!) or submissive, then the cat will most likely intimidate the dog and teach him to respect her, at which point they will live in peace together. If the dog is liable to attack the cat, keep them in separate rooms and make sure the cat is never cornered. Train the dog to a rock-solid "Sit," and, if necessary, keep a leash on in the house so you can control him at all times.

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  • Don't be too harsh or it may be considered animal abuse.

  • Never pick up an aggressive cat because he may bite you. Cat bites can turn into dangerous infections. If you are bitten, contact your physician immediately.

  • If your cat is behaving aggressively consult a pet behaviorist or veterinarian for advice.

  • Don't be too loud or harsh. Your tone of voice will affect your cat, even if it can't fully understand everything you say.

  • If your cat is an outdoor cat then it may not need a scratching post. Instead it may use a tree , fence, or similar to scratch. This way you can save money, and still have something for your cat to scratch.

  • Do not provoke your cat in any way. Leave it alone as he sleeps or hides. Going after him can cause unnecessary confrontations.

  • Never strike or hit a cat or throw objects at him. This will cause your cat to resent and fear you, undoing any positive relationship.


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Article Summary X

To discipline a cat, identify its key motivator, which is typically a delicious food or treat, and use it to reward good behavior. When your cat misbehaves, remove it from the situation or isolate it in a separate room. Avoid yelling, but use a special tone of voice to correct bad behavior so your kitty learns to recognize it. Be firm and consistent with your techniques for the best results! For tips on using your cat's personality to determine the most effective training techniques, read on!

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