what is a harlot according to the bible

I want to talk almost a discipline that needs to be taken very seriously by us as ladies. Most readers are not unwed mothers or practicing harlots. But in that location is a strong current sweeping through our generation that has afflicted all of us today to some level, likewise as the sin that lies in our flesh hearts by nature. Those two things – the evil within and without – tin practice much damage to our Christian walk, to our homes and to the body of Christ, if non confronted and contended with.

There are some distinct characteristics of the harlot laid downward in the word of God. These qualities all can be manifest to varying degrees of extremity. Our want as women seeking the Lord should be to eliminate them all completely from our lives, regardless of how seemingly insignificant one of them might be to us. May our prayer be to totally repent of whatsoever whorish inclinations or behaviors, and purify our hearts through organized religion in the statutes the Lord has set forth for us as ladies.

Now, let'due south search the Scriptures.

Rebellion against authority

A trademark of all practicing harlots (I say practicing to distinguish the willing from the unwilling) is rebellion. The harlot has no devotion to her begetter or respect for God'southward laws.

"To deliver thee from the strange adult female, even from the stranger which flattereth with her words; Which forsaketh the guide of her youth, and forgetteth the covenant of her God." (Proverbs 2:sixteen,17)

It is especially interesting to annotation how at that place is a very clear disregard the harlot has for her earthly male parent. Though he has been the guide of her youth, leading her through her childhood and into womanhood, caring for her and providing for her, those things don't matter to her plenty to be true-blue to him and serve him rather than her own interests. She does not even respect the position of authority he has in her life, considering she wouldn't forsake him if she did. Her deliberate abandonment of her authorization effigy is motivated by a spirit of rebellion.

Have yous ever noticed that women or girls who remove themselves from their male parent's sphere of influence over them, mayhap to devote their lives to relationships with friends or chase a chore/higher degree first showing many of the other characteristics of the harlot, including rebellion? It starts with acting out from under authority. It is guided past that spirit.

The other evidence of her rebellion is the fact that God's laws do not matter plenty to her to exist remembered. Unlike the godly woman who cherishes the precepts of the Lord, the harlot forgets them and whatever mercies He has shown her. She despises His grace and has no fearfulness of Him, for nobody would forget the covenant of God if they did fear Him. They aren't of import in her mind. Rather than submit to Him, she chooses to get her own manner and do her own thing. She is "her own woman" and she does what she wants. All of her trespasses are without regard to what God would have her to do.

The spirit of an harlot does not cherish the position of authority her father has over her, but resents it. She will coil her eyes when her male parent asks her to practice something, or sass dorsum. His commandments don't mean anything to her, other than to serve as an annoyance; she e'er has something more of import to do. She'd rather hang out with her friends than spend time with him. She has her ain life and he has his, in her mind.

Interestingly enough, the spirit of rebellion (which the harlot possesses) is likened to witchcraft in the Bible. And a direct tie is also drawn betwixt stubbornness and idolatry, which we will discuss more later.

"For rebellion is as the sin of witchcraft, and stubbornness is equally iniquity and idolatry…" (1 Samuel 15:23)

Is it whatsoever wonder that many harlots are pagans and witches? Witchcraft is also a rejecting of God's laws or His authority over your life. You may be horrified at the thought of involving yourself in such things, but if you are in rebellion of whatever form to God-ordained potency, you are in the same boat as the witch co-ordinate to the Bible. Rebellion is taken to an art course by countless girls of our generation. It is their craft.

Her Clothes Betrays her Profession and Inwards State

"In the twilight, in the evening, in the black and dark night: And, behold, there met him a woman with the attire of an harlot, and subtil of heart." (Proverbs 7:9, 10)

What is the attire of an harlot? Some people want to just lock this term away to some obscure fourth dimension in history, assuming we can't fifty-fifty know what it was and even if nosotros did it wouldn't matter because clothes has changed so much. While this specific scripture doesn't say, we tin can discover clues throughout the Bible regarding how the whore dressed. That is a separate study in and of itself, which I plan to cover in another postal service. For at present I want to focus more on the spirit behind the clothes rather than her wearing apparel itself. She has a rebellious spirit. She has a subtil heart. It bleeds out into the all areas of her life, appearance included. Her attitude manifests itself in what she wears.

What is subtil in center? Subtil has at to the lowest degree ii meanings. It can mean wise (Proverbs ane:4), but I believe here in this context it means deceitful (as in Gen 27:35), and/or sneaky (meet 2 Kings x:19, Matthew 26:4). It is connected with evil in several verses. The magician of Acts xiii who withstood the preaching of Paul and Barnabas was "full of all subtilty and all mischief" (Acts 13:eleven). The serpent in the garden of Eden was subtil (Genesis 3:1) as was the wicked Jonadab (2 Samuel 13:3). Why say all this? considering this is what lies in the middle of the harlot. Trying to do evil in a sneaky and deceitful style might be a good definition. This is interpretation is further solidified by the fact that the harlot is a nighttime prowler. She is active when it is dark. Many times those who are upwardly to mischief are doing then in the dark and then they don't get defenseless (meet Job 24:14-17, 1 Thessalonians 5:7). The bride of Solomon was mistaken for an harlot for existence out afterwards sunset (Vocal of Solomon 5:two-7). That's considering the harlot goes behind the back of the man of the house with evil intentions. She is secretive well-nigh her concern so she won't get defenseless. She doesn't have open lines of communication with him, no never – another sign of her disjointed relationship to him.

"She is loud and stubborn; her feet abide not in her house:" (Proverbs 7:eleven)

Thoughts on Loud

Quietness, gentleness and a soft tongue are characteristics of the virtuous woman. Non and then with this lady. She is a loud-mouth bossy-britches, in true feminist flavour. You hear her voice over everyone else in a grouping of people. The volume on her vocalization box is perpetually turned upward. Subsequently all, what she has to say is more than important than everything else! This stems from her presumptuous, selfish, prideful heart. She isn't worried about broadcasting herself for all to hear, regardless of the possibility she might exist wrong. Oh, no – the whole world needs to hear what she has to say, there are no doubts in her mind most that. She is confident and flippant (run into Proverbs fourteen:sixteen). The concept of "toning it down" is not on her agenda.

A loud oral fissure is reflective of a adult female's heart that is non in submission. Such a vocalism is exalting the one who possesses it among others.

In strong dissimilarity to loud and stubborn, the virtuous adult female is meek and repose (1 Peter v:4).

Thoughts on Stubborn

While flirtatious, loose or immodest are all words we associate with harlots, stubborn might seem an unusual adjective to united states for 1. Just it really is a central point of her character.

Headstrong and adamant, she wants her own fashion. She isn't open to listening to management. No flexibility, no submission… she is bent on what she wants and nothing else and is defiant of anyone who would tell her otherwise. She'due south an arguer who fights back rather than gives in. Her will is strong, non broken, and therefore her heart is not right earlier God.

"And might not be equally their fathers, a stubborn and rebellious generation; a generation that set not their heart aright, and whose spirit was not stedfast with God." (Psalm 78:8)

A potent neck and a difficult heart are manifest in her life by her independence and self-believing mental attitude. She wants her own fashion and won't mind to anyone who says otherwise. She gets angry or pouts when someone resists her or tries to impose boundaries. She won't be told what to practise – she'll exist bucking that authority over the littlest thing. No warnings, no pleadings, no firmness, no gentle persuasion, no amount of reasoning will change her listen. The thought of being obedient really offends her.

It'southward a serious matter to be stubborn, in the optics of God. Do you have the stubborn spirit of an harlot? I take to continually be attentive to myself in this thing too.

The virtuous woman, on the other hand, is submissive in all matters to her authority (that do not require her to sin). She delights in obedience, and finds bang-up joy in pleasing him, knowing that she is doing so as unto the Lord.

Thoughts on Anxiety non Constant in the house

"Now she is without, now in the streets, and lieth in expect at every corner." (Proverbs 7:12)

This is a very controversial ane, merely there is a clear tie drawn between a wanton middle and wanton feet. Whereas the virtuous woman is "by the sides of thine house" and is busy keeping it, this lady is off pursuing her own agendas outside of the protection and place of her dwelling house, leaving information technology to be prey for the devil. She prefers not to be "tied downward" to her habitation and family. Children, household duties, etc. all seem dreary to her. She'd rather be out in the world waiting to make a human fall in dear with her or pursuing her own dreams, as Dinah (Gen 34:ane).

The harlot does not accept her dwelling house at the centre of her motives, but her own self-interest. She's a wanderer, wandering abroad from her dwelling house like a bird from the nest. Information technology makes her feel relieved to get away from her "overbearing" married man or begetter. She'd rather go to the market or to the mall, or for that matter abandon her abode altogether and live on her own so she tin exist in command.

That's not to say a adult female tin never pace outside of her business firm for any reason. The virtuous woman can and did do then on occasion, as did the woman of Proverbs 31. But why? It was e'er for the cause of her house, be it bringing dwelling house rare nutrient, seeking materials for spinning, or investing in and planting a field. Different the harlot, the virtuous adult female finds great joy in being a keeper at dwelling.

Attention Seeking

The godly woman has a desire to be hidden, quietly living her life and doing her duties behind-the-scenes, so to speak. She is shamefaced, bashful and shy and would never dream of speaking or behaving boldly effectually any man – she exemplifies shamefacedness and sobriety (1 Timothy 2:). In stark contrast stands the harlot, whose beliefs, conversation and appearance all proclaim the unspoken message: notice me. Await how pretty I am. Give me attention.

The harlot desires to be seen and admired. She peculiarly wants attention from men and dresses appropriately. It pleases her to draw their eyes. "Is he looking at me with interest?" she wonders. "How can I put myself in his way so we can talk?" The gears of her mind are constantly turning with such schemes. Her mentality is 1 of the huntress.

Impudent Face

"So she caught him, and kissed him, and with an impudent face said unto him, I take peace offerings with me; this day have I paid my vows." (Proverbs 7:xiii, 14)

Her mental attitude with men is flirtatious. She teases them playfully. She flatters with her lips, showering them with compliments. She exaggerates her facial expressions and voice tone as they talk when she probably doesn't care two cents about the field of study (subtil). She is physical with men and can't keep her hands to herself (or lips, for that matter). She clutches at him like a cat toying with a mouse. She'due south always putting herself in his infinite.

Her face itself is impudent. Her mental attitude is written all over it, simply it is primarily the eyes which give this away. The haughty, rebellious women in Isaiah iii:16 have "wanton eyes." What practice wanton optics look similar? First, there is where they look. The virtuous adult female is shamefaced, significant she has bashful, downcast optics, just this adult female is brazen. Her gaze is straight at potency, unwavering, unashamed. She is without fear of God or man and her pride shows in her lack of respect in her demeanor. Locking eyes with men betrays her rebellious centre.

So there is how they are decorated. The eyelids are specifically mentioned with regards to the foreign woman (harlot) and warned against (Proverbs 6:25). A whorish, proud witch of a woman, Jezebel, was clearly mentioned in the Bible painting her face. How does this apply to today? Await around and you'll find some things have never changed. Mascara. Eyeliner. Eye-shadow. Even false lashes. All of these things are painted onto the optics of girls past the millions every mean solar day, many past blueprint, some out of ignorance. But it used to be merely the custom of harlots to do that. The connection betwixt harlots and makeup is a separate article in and of itself, but show me a harlot and 9 times out of 10 you'll show me a adult female with her eyes caked in that stuff. If y'all ask them why they do that, they will tell you it is to frame their eyes or it is pretty. In other words, to draw attending. What God gave them naturally wasn't good enough. They think they can make it meliorate than He did. You'll never see a virtuous woman in the Bible doing that, but y'all volition find evil women and centre-makeup connected many times. All the same in our society women of all statuses and backgrounds are expected to practice such things whenever they enter the public eye. We live in night times.

Motivated past selfishness

The harlot has no concern for others, only her own pleasure and enjoyment. It never worries her how her lifestyle affects her family unit, or that she is bringing a bad name upon them. She doesn't intendance about her own children, because if she did she would not bring them into the world without a husband and caring male parent. That is why many harlots impose methods of abortifacient contraceptives or perform abortions. Her actions have consequences which she very well knows, but she is willing to take them to have what she wants at that moment – information technology's just about the now for her.

Obsessed almost Dazzler

Inward beauty is of no upshot to her. No idea is taken for graphic symbol or soul – simply the things that can be seen thing considering that's what gets the attention of carnal men. Virtuous women attract men who are looking to be godly husbands and heads of families. She knows the cheap shortcut to winning the hearts of men: looking attractive. She thinks about her effigy, her hair, her peel, her optics. She spends hours looking in the mirror, fussing and primping and adorning. Because, after all, who would want her if she didn't? And she knows what great power she wields in her adept looks. They are her weapon. So every detail must exist perfect!

Christian lady, if this sounds like you lot, I pray you to search your eye. The mirror can be a useful matter, but it should not exist used for vanity. Annihilation across using it for cleanliness, wellness and feminine neatness and order is crossing the line into harlot territory. I know I'm not going to make a lot of friends for saying that, and about women of our solar day who profess the proper name of Christ would balk at this, but I want you lot to stop and recollect virtually the seriousness of what you are doing.

Her Interest in Men is Recreational

The soul of a man, his deep thoughts, his visions and aspirations, his heart and mind are boring to her. His good looks and flirtations are far more appealing. Afterwards all, they won't love her for who she is inside – why should she develop any deep level of intimacy with them? Relationships are for whatever emotional pleasure they afford at the time, nothing more. She doesn't want to be tied down, she wants to move on whenever she feels like it. Information technology only amuses her to break their hearts (or so she likes to remember).

And she certainly doesn't want them ruling over her – she wants to rule over them, controlling them, making them do her bidding. A strong, spiritual head? Preposterous! She wants to telephone call all the shots. By wooing them and luring them with her wiles, she's always the boss. She is a feminist.

Again, is this the attitude of the godly woman? Rather, the reverse. The godly adult female knows homo and woman relationships of dearest are meant to be a depiction of Christ and the Church, not a string of flings, not a reversal of God'southward design. She admires a homo who leads with strength, with Christ as his head, spiritually mature men, and wants to do all she tin can to build up the man in her life to that position, all the while underneath his authority. It is a joy to her to do his behest and honour him.


Virtuous women pursue a center of humility and meekness, putting the needs of others first and themselves last, thinking merely of how to please the Lord and exercise His volition. They are not agape to position themselves in a place of submission, or being lowly as the world would despise – rather, they embrace it.

Dissimilarity this with the harlot. In her every aspect we have looked at so far, underneath each i lies pride. Rebellion. Feminism. Me-kickoff. Loud-mouth. Disobedient. Abandoning. Deceitful. Look-at-me. I know improve than anybody including God. Nobody deserves to tell me what to do.


Her body movements are lewd when walking, her dancing vulgar, her tongue suggestive. Her sensuality comes across in her vocalization tone, facial expressions and words. She likes worldly music. She likes habiliment that highlights and flatters the most sexual parts of her body. She wants men to undress her in their minds. A perpetual pleasure-seeker, she continually desires to experience emotions and sensations that make her experience adept regardless of how illicit they are. She wants other women to look on her with envy.


I find it interesting that whoredom and harlotry are ofttimes connected with idolatry in the Bible. "Playing the harlot" was a term for turning after false gods (Jeremiah 2:20-23, Ezekiel sixteen:15-34).

She is a Buddhist, a Catholic, a new-ager, a yoga-practicing, chanting, transcendental meditating hippie or wiccan. She has contact with the spirits and practices all kinds of divination, from reading tea leaves to superstitious rituals. Perhaps she has a thing for magic. She likes to dispense people and wants to larn supernatural powers of persuasion. She reads books on the human psyche. She doesn't know the God of the Bible. Her Jesus (should she claim the proper name) is another Jesus, her gospel some other gospel. There is no love for the Lord in her heart.

Shallow and Fickle, Flimsy Character

"How weak is thine heart, saith the Lord GOD, seeing thou doest all these things, the work of an imperious whorish adult female…" (Ezekiel xvi:30)

She is non serious. She'll say anything to get what she wants, whether or not she means it. Her virtue is every bit deep as a parking lot pool, her graphic symbol the equivalent to a shriveled up, dry dead plant. Consequently, any little matter will throw her for a loop, losing control at the drop of a hat. While she may be without blemish on the outside, inside she is total of ravening wickedness, faults and spots. She grieves those around her. She thinks her proficient looks will let her get away with evil in all situations and has no repentance – she makes no effort to change. Peradventure she even takes pride in her stubbornness, her pride, her rebellion, her bad mental attitude.

In contrast, the virtuous woman is like a tree planted by the rivers of h2o. Her roots run deep. She knows that the beauty of the inner human is the only beauty worth pursuing, and cultivates it over the years, perfecting her character daily by the grace of God.

The harlot is the daughter of the devil.

At present we come up to the pinnacle. Though the harlot attempts to fiercely guard her independence to the death and defy anything that hints of say-so in her life, she is the greatest slave of all. She follows the devil'due south doctrine on each point. His pride is an integral function of his character. Rebellion is strictly the territory of Satan, is it non? He was the outset rebel, and he has been instructing the wayward in that art e'er since his fall. An inversion of authority roles is his goal, a perversion he delights in. Idolatry in all its forms pays him homage. Exalting that which is seen with the eyes of the flesh rather than with eyes of religion prevents men from ever considering that which truly matters. Deception? his expertise. Wandering? walking to and fro, seeking whom he may devour like a lion, with the world every bit his playground. But the sad affair is, though she may copy him in these things, he is her master. In all of the means she thinks she is serving herself and existence her own person, she is actually just a boob doing his pleasance and his will for her life, helping to bring more than downwards to his kingdom of eternal torment as his assistant and sealing her own damnation. She is working for him every step of the way. Her wickedness and sin only brings him more than celebrity, but will only end in her heartbreak and devastation. He gives her her hour of pleasance on the earth, her temporary thrills and gains, merely ultimately he volition demolish her too. In all of her countless searching she will never find truthful peace or happiness. Her style is forever cursed.


Source: https://herhighcalling.com/the-spirit-of-an-harlot/

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