If Hitler Make Germany Great Again

Reasons for the growth in support of the Nazi Party

In 1928, the Nazis had only 12 seats in the Reichstag ; by July 1932 they had 230 seats and were the largest party.

Representation of Nazi seat growth, with 12 seats -1928 and 230 seats -1932

The appeal of Hitler and the Nazis

Three factors that helped the Nazi rise to power: The role of the SA, The Appeal of Hitler and Propaganda

Considering the Nazis' 25 Bespeak Programme appealed to people all over the land from all walks of life, they became popular. Other extremist groups like the communists only really appealed to the industrial workers in Germany'south cities and couldn't go along upwards.

  • Wealthy businessmen : were frightened communists would take their wealth away and did not want to see whatsoever more increase in support for them. To gainsay this, they began to give coin to Hitler and the Nazis, hoping they would gain more seats – non the communists.
  • The heart-grade : were generally quite traditional and were not convinced by the Weimar democracy . Hitler promised them a strong government and won their votes.
  • Nationalists : they blamed the legacy of the Treaty of Versailles and reparations for causing the depression and so lent their support to the Nazis who had promised to make Germany strong once again.
  • Rural areas : The Nazis appealed to people in the countryside - particularly middle class shopkeepers and craftsmen, farmers and agricultural labourers.

The effects of propaganda

Nazi propaganda was controlled past Joseph Goebbels and had three chief themes:

  • The Führer cult . Hitler was e'er portrayed equally Frg's saviour – the man who would rescue the country from the grip of depression.
  • Volksgemeinschaft (people's community). This was the idea that the Nazis would create i German community that would make religion or social class less relevant to people.
  • Scapegoating the Jews (and others) for Germany's ills . Jews were often portrayed as sub-man, or every bit a threat to both the racial purity and economic future of the country.

Hitler was a neat speaker with an extraordinary power to win people over. Goebbels' propaganda campaign was very effective (he used aeroplanes to bring Hitler to speak across the country, radios to broadcast important speeches and rallies to make supporters excited) and brought huge back up for the Nazis past targeting specific groups of social club with different slogans and policies to win their support.

The work of the SA

The SA played a part in the Nazis' increasing popularity past:

  • intimidating the Nazis' political opponents – especially the communists – by turning upwardly at their meetings and attacking them
  • providing opportunities for young, unemployed men to get involved in the party
  • protecting Hitler and other key Nazis when they organised meetings and made speeches


Source: https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/guides/z3bp82p/revision/6

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